All Work... is a series of gifs which embraces the jerky repetitive aesthetic of the gif format to expose the frantic, repetitive tedium of
housework, work which is still predominantly carried out by women. The piece humorously draws a comparison between the repetitive but
necessary tasks we perform in both the offline and online worlds, where cleaning, checking e-mails, cooking and updating social media are all
grouped under the umbrella ‘life admin’. It utilises a key aspect of the gif format – the loop – to imply that domestic chores are literally endless
and never finally completed, and in doing so treads a fine line between the comic and the disturbing.
Libby Cufley
All Work...
Realms presents portals to virtual worlds, proposing an alternate space beyond the physical and known real. Through this work, the artist expresses desire for digital isolation, escapism and sanctuary.
Residual Affirmations is a newnewmoon digital collage based
on the anxieties of making art and the well-being thought
processes that we attempt to subscribe to. The tortured artist is
a long-held myth which perpetuates the concept that art comes
from a rare individual who is somehow damaged, or more
emotionally complex than the rest of the world. This is in
contrast to the huge proportion of artists who identify as having
mental health concerns. Residual Affirmations seeks to reflect
the angsts about creating, to externalise them and more
importantly to trust and engage in our instincts.
Residual Affirmations
Edie Jo Murray
The Other
Carol Breen
I was once where you are now
I was once where you are now is a disjointed net-poem, parts of which will appear in various forms online over the year. I am exploring image proliferation post-internet. Using memes, gifs, everyday software and online applications, this poem tells the story of one images journey. The poem explores lost opportunities and past memories tracing an image in flux, as it makes its way through a murky digital world. Some more can be seen @looptheloopthe #whereyouarenow
These gifs are created for promotional purposes, ‘Exiting The Vampire Castle’ to promote my new video work of the same name. Online spaces, especially Facebook, are more and more becoming spaces to promote events, and organise your calendar. I use Facebook for upcoming art events in Birmingham, and further afield. I have created gifs, an online language, to promote niche art works, a quick slideshow of images with text overlaid. These gifs are presented as adverts for artworks.
Exiting The Vampire Castle
Dinosaur Kilby
My lyrics are based on the continuous struggle of taking heavy medication to cure and stabilise a hidden illness and rare neuro conditions. The lyrics are deep and this is a very honest representation of the feelings and emotions I have to battle on a daily basis. Rosa Francesca created the visuals, giving a Sci-Fi, inspired edge to the track, including a rapping brain and a great depth of visual layers. I feel this video really homes in on the artistic direction and honest lyrics that represent my alter ego: Ridlaa.
Thomas Tyrrell
Tommy Ain't
Pete Ashton
Emily Scarrott
@animalartschool is the product of a Black Hole Club twitterbot workshop with @v21. The bot combines emojis and observations of stereotypes to create a satirical network of animals studying in an imaginary art school. This coincides with the end of my Masters degree and fondly considers the art student community. The work investigates how meaning can be randomly generated and how such production can be manipulated for humorous or entertainment purposes. Although currently tweeting once per hour, the account will be tweeting every ten minutes for the duration of Digbeth First Friday’s launch event.
Black Hole Club presents its first online exhibition.

The artists use animated gifs, short form videos, tweets, 3D environments and more to explore how their practices exists in an online space.

Carol Breen, Dinosaur Kilby, Edie Jo Murray, Emily Scarrott, Libby Cufley, newnewmoon, Pete Ashton, Thomas Tyrrell
Scab is a 3D model, photogrammatically built from microscope video footage of a mosquito bite on my leg that I couldn't stop picking at this summer, which felt like a metaphor for something.